- 7 August 2023
- Admin MHK Old
- Article
What is hazardous and toxic waste and Non hazardous waste? What are the characteristics? Then what is the danger to the environment and living things?

- Bantargebang, Bekasi
Hazardous and toxic waste is a substance, or energy, and/or other components that due to their nature, concentration and/or amount either directly or indirectly can pollute and/or damage the environment, endanger the environment, health and survival of humans and other living things (Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 of 2009). Meanwhile, Non-hazardous Waste is the waste of a business and / or activity in the form of residual waste that is not included in the classification or category of hazardous and toxic waste.
The danger of hazardous and toxic waste
Hazardous and toxic waste that is not handled properly will damage plants and soil as an environmental medium. Its effects on humans have acute effects that can cause damage to the nervous system, digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, as well as skin diseases and even death. In addition, there are also chronic effects that cause cancer-triggering effects, body cell mutations, congenital defects, and damage to the reproductive system.
The characteristics of hazardous and toxic waste based on PP No. 101 of 2014 concerning Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Pasal 5 are :
- Explosive
- Flammable
- Reactive
- Infectious
- Corrosive
- Contains toxins
Given its hazardous and toxic nature, waste management needs to be done carefully, so that every person or business actor who produces hazardous and toxic waste is obliged to manage the waste it produces.
Waste management
Hazardous and toxic waste management consists of :
- Storage
- Collection
- Transportation
- Utilization
- Processing
- Hoarding
With a detailed explanation as follows:
- This storage and collection process aims to avoid waste to the surrounding environment.
- This transportation includes the process of selecting waste that is safe and that must be processed.
- This utilization process includes activities to recycle some waste that can be used and is indeed safe.
- This hazardous and toxic waste management aims to reduce the toxic levels of the waste produced. Thus, from hazardous waste, it becomes safe and non-hazardous.
- This processing process is a step to add compounds to hazardous and toxic waste.
- This landfill includes activities to accommodate or isolate hazardous and toxic waste. Because the waste can no longer be used and is safer to landfill.
Hazardous and toxic Waste Management Solutions
To ensure that hazardous and toxic waste management is carried out appropriately and facilitate supervision, every waste management activity must have a permit issued by the Regent/Mayor, Governor, or Ministry of Environment and Forestry in accordance with applicable regulations.
The purpose of some of these sequences will later process hazardous waste into safe waste. Thus, it does not endanger the surrounding environment and health.
PT. Multi Hanna Kreasindo is a company that has obtained an official permit for the use of hazardous and toxic waste from the Ministry of Environment. We are a trusted hazardous and toxic waste treatment service provider that is ready to face all the challenges of your project with the best technology and environmentally friendly.
Some of our licenses include :
- 675/Menlhk/Setjen/PLB.3/9/2020 concerning Management Permits for Metal Utilization
- 417/Menlhk/Setjen/PLB.3/7/2020 concerning Management Permit for Liquid Waste Treatment
- 371/PSLB3/VPLB3/PLB.3/8/2021 on Management Permits for AF and AM Utilization
- 878/Menlhk/Setjen/PLB.3/11/2016 concerning Management Permit for Paving Block Utilization
- 581/Menlhk/Setjen/PLB.3/8/2019 concerning Management Permit for Incenerator
PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo is equipped with industrial waste processing facilities with its own internal Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) to keep wastewater from the process results so that it is always below the threshold of environmental quality standards. The smelting building is equipped with dust collectors and scrubbers to maintain air pollution, as well as periodic checks for noise levels.
Managing waste wisely can be a great benefit for companies in creating long-term investments. The positive image formed can help maintain the company’s existence and contribute to protecting the environment.
PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo is here to provide waste treatment solutions that help make this happen. Manage industrial waste wisely and professionally as an industrial waste processor and as a contributor to encouraging the realization of environmentally friendly industrial practices.
Let’s step towards realizing a living environment free from the negative impacts of waste and for better life safety with us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo.
If you need Waste Treatment Services or want to consult about its Management, immediately contact us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo at :
Jl. Raya Narogong KM 12 Pangkalan II No 23, RT.003/02, Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Cikiwul, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. 17152
Telp. (021) 8250196,
Email : marketing@multihanna.co.id
Website : https://multihanna.co.id
Youtube : PT. Multi Hanna Kreasindo
Linkedin : PT. Multi Hanna Kreasindo
Instagram : multihanna_kreasindo