- 7 August 2023
- Admin MHK Old
- Article
Types of garbage and their explanations, not only 2 types and you need to know them

- Bantargebang, Bekasi
Did you know that there are not only 2 types of garbage?
Most people all know there are only two types, namely organic and inorganic. In fact, in addition to these two types of waste, there are also other types of waste, namely hazardous and toxic waste.
Types of garbage

1. Organic Waste
Is waste derived from the rest of living things that are easily decomposed naturally without human intervention to be decomposed. Examples of organic waste : Fruit and vegetable waste, tea / coffee grounds, tree branches, wood and dry leaves and the like.
2. Inorganic Waste
Is waste that is no longer used and difficult to decompose. Inorganic waste buried in the soil can cause soil pollution. Examples of inorganic waste : Used plastic packaging, plastic bottles and straws, beverage cans, crackles and the like.

In addition to organic and inorganic waste, it turns out that there are also other types of waste, namely hazardous and toxic waste.
3. Waste Hazardous and toxic waste
Is the residue produced from an activity and production process, both on a household, industrial, mining and so on scale contaminated with substances or energy and other components which due to their nature, concentration and amount either directly or indirectly can pollute and damage the environment, endanger the environment, health and survival of humans and other living things. Examples: Laundry detergent and bleach, insect repellent, hair spray, battery stone, used oil and the like.

Let’s step towards realizing a living environment free from the negative impacts of waste and for better life safety with us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo.
If you need Waste Treatment Services or want to consult about its Management, immediately contact us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo at :
Jl. Raya Narogong KM 12 Pangkalan II No 23, RT.003/02, Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Cikiwul, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. 17152
Telp. (021) 8250196,
Email : marketing@multihanna.co.id
Website : https://multihanna.co.id
Youtube : PT. Multi Hanna Kreasindo
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Instagram : multihanna_kreasindo