We are experienced in industrial waste management
19 years of experience

One Package Service
We have One Package Service which is our unique sale covering transporter, collection, treatment and utilization of Hazardous and Toxic waste as well as non-Hazardous and Toxic waste in accordance with the 3R concept namely REUSE, RECYCLE, RECOVERY -
We are an industrial waste company that has a legal license from the government, namely a license from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia -
1. We are ready to provide the best service in industrial waste management with our own technology and development facilities and integrated in one area with an area of more than 6 hectares
2. In all forms of company activities, we are committed to maintaining and preserving the environment
3. Our support team is ready to assist you in answering questions and needs for waste management
4. We have cooperated with many companies in Indonesia
We have supporting facilities including
Supporting facilities

- Licensing
- Proper
- SMK3
- Zero Accident
Official licensing from the Ministry of Environment. Our permits cover transporters, collectors, waste processors and utilizers.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
SNI ISO IEC 17025 2017
National Blue Proper from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia
SMK3 Emas from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
Zero Accident from the Governor of West Java

Factory & Warehouse Area
- Factory
- Area
Has 21 factories
Has an integrated area of more than 6 hectares

Laboratory with ARL Spectrometer and X-Ray

Truck Transporter
The advantages of our fleet :
- Legality
- GPS Completeness
- Number of Fleets
- Hazardous and toxic waste transport permit from the Department of Transportation
- Transport Recommendations from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia
Our entire fleet is equipped with GPS devices
Has a total fleet of 5 units

- Emission Test
- Standard Operating Procedures
Emission results have been tested and certified by the Ministry of Environment
Comprehensive, integrated SOPs that prioritize worker safety and the environment

Smelter equipped with Copula furnace and Crucible furnace

Waste Water Treatment Plant
Disposal of liquid waste with WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant)