Tuesday, June 11, 2024 The Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk inaugurated the opening of PT MHK’s Training Center located in the Multibizpark warehouse, Jl. Pangkalan II Sumur Batu, Bantar Gebang District, Bekasi City.
The Training Center building presents several facilities including a training room with a capacity of 25 people and 15 people, both of which can be combined into a room with a capacity of 40 rang. There is also a meeting room with a capacity of 6 people and a consultation room with a capacity of 3 people. In addition, this training center is also equipped with a coffee bar and a comfortable outdoor area.
The facility will be used by PT MHK’s management to continue to conduct coaching, training, and other things that will increase the competence and skills of all employees. In the future, this training center will also be rented for external/public training activities. It is hoped that this facility can support employee activities in developing skills so that they can work effectively and efficiently.
The following is a video of Inauguration Training Center of PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk :
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PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk
Industrial Waste Solutions
Jl. Raya Narogong KM 12 Pangkalan II No 23, RT.003/02, Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Cikiwul, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. 17152
Telp. (021) 8250196.
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