Liquid waste treatment services
Liquid waste requires proper handling before disposal. Waste water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a step to minimize liquid waste contaminating the environment. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a structure designed to be able to process liquid waste in the Industry / Factory until the liquid can be disposed of without endangering the environment. In the operation of WWTP, a team is needed that can evaluate the WWTP system so that it will get good, effective and efficient WWTP System performance.

PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk is experienced in processing liquid waste treatment services with electrocoagulation. Electrocoagulation is a process of treating liquid waste by passing electric current to liquid waste using metal electrode intermediaries. Contaminants consisting of heavy metals or ions and microorganisms will later coagulate and produce sludge that will be used and reprocessed or burned in the incinerator. Meanwhile, the processed liquid will be flowed into a reservoir for reuse or collected in a reservoir for use in other / subsequent processes.

PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk already has the legality of official licensing of liquid waste treatment services with electrocoagulation from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia which can process as many as 44 waste codes. Electrocoagulation machine Multi Hanna Kreasindo Plc is able to process liquid waste as much as 45m3 / day. With such qualified capital, Multi Hanna Kreasindo Plc is ready to become a professional, responsible and environmentally sound industrial liquid waste treatment service solution.

Let’s step towards realizing a living environment free from the negative impacts of waste and for better life safety with us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk.
If you need liquid waste treatment services or want to consult about its management, immediately contact us, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk at :
Jl. Raya Narogong KM 12 Pangkalan II No 23, RT.003/02, Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Cikiwul, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. 17152
Phone. (021) 8250196,
Email : marketing@multihanna.co.id
Website : https://multihanna.co.id
Youtube : multihanna_kreasindo
Linkedin : PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk
Instagram : multihannaofficial