In carrying out operational activities, PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk is supervised by an Internal Auditor. The internal audit function at PT Multi Hanna Kreasindo Tbk. Internal Audit provides independent and objective assurance regarding the effectiveness and integrity of the Company’s operations. Internal Audit provides consultation to all departments to improve these operations.
Internal Audit, which establish the structure, duties, and responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit. As stated in the Work Guidelines, the Internal Audit Unit is led by the Head of Internal Audit, who is appointed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Commissioners and is directly responsible to the President Director of the Company.

Muhamad Fariz Nurzeha
Head of Internal Audit
Decree Number 058/MHK/SK-DIR/VIII/2024.
Obtained a D3 degree in Accounting (2018). Joined PT Multi Hanna KREASINDO Tbk in 2023. Previous positions include Supervisor Finance Accounting & Tax (2023-2024), Supervisor Accounting & Tax PT Deka Sari Perkasa (2021-2023).